Antares - V for Vendetta

While meditating on the nature of Antares and its influences on our little planet, the movie V for Vendetta came to my mind. You may have watched it long ago, and if it isn’t the case, please put it on your list, it will make a great watch to feel the current collective energy.


Thuy Tien

7/5/20233 min read

As the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius, located 554.5 light years from the Earth, Antares is one of the 4 royal stars of ancient Persia. As of 2023, Antares is at Sagittarius 10°05. It rises at sunset on the 1st of June, culminating on the 11th of July and is one of the so-called lunar stars. We are currently in Antares’ annual strongest influence. With the tense political and social atmosphere in France, I thought there would not be another more fitting subject than Antares for now.

Antares, generally known as «rival of Mars» for its bright red hue in the night sky. For millennia, it used to be worshipped as the star of the warriors. In ancient Egypt, it was believed to represent the goddess Selkit (Selkt/Serkt/Srq.t), heralding the sunrise through her temples at the autumnal equinox about 3700-3500 B.C, and was the symbol of Isis in the pyramid ceremonial. Isis, Queen of the throne, mother of Horus the divine king, is not only the goddess of healing and magic but also a fierce warrior when it comes to protecting those she loves and things she treasures. Such is the multifaceted nature of Antares.

(I have this fixed star in exact conjunction with my natal Mars, and in a 3-degree orb conjunction with my Ascendant. Interestingly enough, both my husband and son have it in their charts in prominent positions. And I have come across quite a few clients and friends with strong Antarian influences. Like attract likes, isn’t it?)

Antares, when in conjunction with a personal planet, will manifest it Martian-Mercurian energy at a physical level. People with Antares conjunct Mars and/or Ascendant tend to have a strong-built, muscular physique, and can excel in sports if they choose so. Antares-aspects with Mercury can make one have a foul mouth (‘cause who’s got time for sophisticated language anyway???), but with time comes maturity and they can grow into an efficient strategist.

According to Craig Campobasso, Antarians are indistinguishable from Earth humans but they are quite attractive with much greater height, warm skin tones and very fit bodies. I have noticed that when Antares is prominent in one’s chart, especially when strongly connected with a personal planet or point, one can be androgynously attractive: women can be handsome without being manly, and man can be beautiful without being womanly. Think about Leonardo DiCaprio in his prime years: he has Antares conjunct his North node and Neptune and sextile his natal Moon.

While meditating on the nature of Antares and its influences on our little planet, the movie V for Vendetta came to my mind. You may have watched it long ago, and if it isn’t the case, please put it on your list, it will make a great watch to feel the current collective energy.

The movie is full of Antares’ aspects and symbolism.

V’s insignia is in red, and his full military regalia is in black. The anonymous man known under the pseudo V has excellent swordsmanship, a great taste of music, a strong love for poetry and good food. His past is shrouded in mystery, but it doesn’t stop him from being an outstanding rebel who inspires and leads the mass through a period of extreme dictatorship. As the plot thickens, we see V beyond the figure of an anonymous rebel: he is a strong warrior, a dedicated healer, an avid reader and philosopher and a music enthusiast: in short, a passionate soul hidden under the appearance of a stoic fighter.

We know that he was severely burned from an old accident (which has the vibe of Antares-Ascendant aspect), his swift and aggressive attacks is Antares-Mars aspect manifesting itself, and his fierce opposition to the dictatorship is so much a Antares-Jupiter square aspect. Had I been able to draw a chart for him, I would have expected to pull a chart with Antares in exact conjunction with Mars and Ascendant and a tight square with Jupiter conjunct MidHeaven.

But the movie is not all about V, it’s also about the lives and the changes in opinions and mindset of people coming in contact with him. Evey representing the obedient people with sever PTSD fighting to have a peaceful and meaningful life, Gordon representing the media struggling between conveying the truth and appeasing the topdown structure, Inspector Finch representing the law enforcement doubting whether their loyalty has been sworn on the wrong people.

The movie has an open ending, leaving the audience somewhat disappointed but hopeful still. We may not have all the answers, or not yet. However, there is one thing we can be sure of: the truth will always prevail.

If you have strong Antarian energy in your chart, for if you are an Anterian starseed, let your truth shine and guide you through the chaos. As V quotes one of his favorite characters - Faust: «Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici». Embrace your truth, since you were born to be a galactic warrior.