You didn’t come this far to stop.
Predict the future by creating it

"Thuy Tien created a Quantum Soul Guidance, Galactic Astrology Reading for me and am amazed at the accuracy of the report. The history is spot on and the Guidance portion aligns my innate Knowing. I highly recommend choosing her for your reading and consultation". - Yuvonda, reiki master and owner of Yuvonda's fine arts

"You not only carefully executed your broad and deep knowledge of the mystics and astrology in particular but also blended in some other indicators disguised as my life concerns to have beautifully customized my report. It helps me with finding my galactic identity, confirming my chosen path both on the timing and its alignment with my soul's desires, and mapping out the important dates ahead for me. Thank you so much!" - Tu Garner, life coach and numerologist