Chiron in Gemini / Chiron in the 3rd house
While meditating on this Chiron position in the birth chart, it dawned on me that self-empowerment had to come from within. Like Chiron, no one was able to heal him. His wound in the thigh represents him being unable to move forward, stuck in the painful present. He had to go through trials and tribulations, even to renounce his immortality – his birthright, to get rid of the unbearable pain.

Whenever I see Chiron in the 3rd house in a chart, I think about an old song I used to listen on repeat in high school. Millennials, you must remember Jessica Simpson sister - Ashlee Simpson. Well, it was one of her songs - Shadow:
I was stuck inside a broken life
I couldn't wish away
She was beautiful
She had everything and more
It used to be so hard being me
Living in the shadow
Of someone else's dream
Trying to find a hand to hold but every touch felt cold to me
I was stuck inside someone else's life and always second best
Oh, I love you now 'cause now I realize
That it's safe outside to come alive in my identity
So if you're listening
There's so much more to me you haven't seen
But now that I am wide awake
Then I can finally see
Don't feel sorry for me
In the early 2000s, Jessica Simpson was very popular. Though her voice was not exceptionally good, she was much loved for her typical American beauty and her cheerful yet innocent personality. Her younger sister Ashlee, on the other hand, was strikingly different. She was a brunette, in her emo phase: the dark, moody, rebellious teenage girl that made less of a good impression in comparison with her elder sister. Since Ashlee loves singing and has a good voice, she debuted a couple of years later, and there was a lot of talks about the two sisters, naturally. Anyway, the two sisters are only 4 years apart.
One could imagine Ashlee had gone through quite a lot being the less popular of the two. Not that she was less beautiful or less talented than her sister, but her beauty and talents challenged the conventional ways. Shadow was one of her debut song, a strong statement on her identity, her individuality and how strong she had become growing up alongside an accomplished, well-loved elder sister.
I loved this song not only because of its catchy bubblegum melody, and but also because I felt so understood (my story was no different from her really). Years later, when I learnt about Chiron in the 3rd house, the connection to the song appeared evident.
Having Chiron in the 3rd house is believed to bring a lot of difficulties to the ability of self-expression and communication, and conflicts with other siblings can be indicated. In my opinion, this is not a random coincidence. Every household is a micro society where one learns to express his individuality by cohabiting in peace, or in war, with other family members. Oftentimes, our behaviors and communication style towards other siblings will shape the way we present ourselves to the world and how we work and cooperate with others. I believe this is where the birth order theory comes from: the 1st child is efficient and bossy, the last child is somewhat needy and emotionally manipulative, while the middle child may have no personality and probably be prone to victim mentality. Sibling rivalry can leave scars, and people can be very reserved, afraid of judgement and fear of competition, of being «not good enough».
While meditating on this Chiron position in the birth chart, it dawned on me that self-empowerment had to come from within. Like Chiron, no one was able to heal him. His wound in the thigh represents him being unable to move forward, stuck in the painful present. He had to go through trials and tribulations, even to renounce his immortality - his birthright, to get rid of the unbearable pain. Even with this enormous sacrifice, he had to continue his hard work, being of service-to-other unceasingly until his death, not from a place of ego but from his love for humanity. At the end of the story, he gained his immortality among the stars and was considered as one of the greatest gods.
Fun fact: Ashlee Simpson was born on October 3, 1984 at 6:10 P.M in Waco, Texas, making her have Chiron in Gemini in the 3rd house (