Chiron in Pisces

Chiron in Pisces people are interesting. Oftentimes they give you the impression they have lived multiple lives in one. In that aspect, they are not very different from Chiron in Aries people. What differs one from another is while Chiron in Aries loves trying new things, Chiron in Pisces just goes from one lesson to another as their own way of revising their mastery of the lessons


Thuy Tien

9/21/20234 min read

Whenever I see Chiron in Pisces or in the 12th house, I think of an old English saying: «Been there, done that, got the T-shirt». And Achilles in Troy (2004) comes to my mind as an exemple of this very interesting aspect.

The last time Chiron was in Pisces was the period of time between February 2011 and September 2018. And before that, it was from 1961 to 1968 (except for some months Chiron going back and forth to Aries). Do you notice the patterns?

The last time Chiron in Pisces was the time we briefly recovered from the subprime crisis in 2007-2008, and before that, it was the last baby boom years into the hippie movement. These are periods of time where people could lose, or gain a massive amount of money, depending on how money-savvy they are. These are also periods of time where people can create life or lose life, depending on what side they choose. This is how wars and financial crises are alike: they trigger out deepest fears and put us on survival mode almost instantly. And of course, wars and financial crises need healing. This is how I believe Chiron in Pisces’ generations are God-sent to offer us the healing we need after catastrophic events happening at a large scale.

The sign of Pisces has been long associated with Christianity, and the age of Pisces, which is our current age, also represents a period of time marked by the birthing of Jesus and the constant fight of duality between materialism and spirituality. The fishes in Pisces’ glyph represent this very same duality in the primordial waters which is the cosmic source.

Chiron in Pisces or in the 12th house makes on wonder: what does it hurt to be a Pisces?

Don’t let the reserved, unassuming nature of Pisces fool you into believing they are naive and ignorant. Quite the contrary. Just as the last sign of the zodiac suggests, Pisces also means the end of a cycle where one has mastered all the lessons and now it is time to put the knowledge in practice. Chiron in Pisces people can give the impression of having lived multiple lives in one.

Achilles, Greek’s greatest warrior, the hero of the Trojan War. One may think he was the original lethal weapon who didn’t care about anything save for fighting and killing, but Achilles was more than that. Son of Thetis the Nereid and the Phthian king Peleus, he was blessed with physical strength, great beauty and good manners resulting from a strict education. Apostle of Chiron the great healer, he mastered the art of medicine and healing, like most of great warriors back then. Mind you, in ancient times would-be warriors had to rigorously train on human anatomy and healing arts, so that they could take care of themselves on the battlefield.

Bathed in the river Styx as a child and shared the same teacher with Hercules, Achilles was a demigod if not a god in his own right, as he was destined to become one. As his mother predicted:

Your glory walk hand-in-hand with your doom.

Achilles was born at the finish line: there was nothing he desired nor desired but could not have. He is the epitome of perfection incarnated: perfect physical body, perfect mind, perfect spirit. He was born to be a great warrior but never fought for fun nor for anybody. He knew his time on Earth was finite and there was only one reason to keep on going: leaving his mark on Earth for eternity:

Myrmidons! My brothers of the sword! I would rather fight beside you than any army of thousands! Let no man forget how menacing we are, we are lions! Do you know what's waiting beyond that beach? Immortality! Take it! It's yours!

The life of a great warrior is certainly not a peaceful one. Until he met the beautiful Briseis, princess of Troy, priestess in the temple of Apollon, who was rightfully his counterpart. She was the only person privy to his thoughts. Was it love? Was it a God-sent revelation? At one point, she made him realize the vanity of his hope and determination. Suddenly Achilles considered leaving the war behind and settle down with his spoil-of-war-turned-bride woman. He was well-aware this change of heart would make him lead a peaceful, happy life with many children, his name would fade eventually. But he was ready to renounce fame and glory in exchange for a life of peace and love.

You gave me peace in a lifetime of war.

Chiron in Pisces people are interesting. Oftentimes they give you the impression they have lived multiple lives in one. In that aspect, they are not very different from Chiron in Aries people. What differs one from another is while Chiron in Aries loves trying new things, Chiron in Pisces just goes from one lesson to another as their own way of revising their mastery of the lessons. Sometimes the revision just goes on and on and on, they get exhausted and even ask themself: What did I do wrong? Have I not fought enough battles? To deal with endless suffering that they can’t seem to be open about, they can turn to the world of sentiments and imagination for help. They can be prone to addiction and abuse of physical body in order to feel alive.

Then, unexpectedly, they figure love is the answer, and are ready to let go. Let go of all the pains, joy, hope and hatred. Let go of all hard-earn successes and painful losses in their life. Let go of all that has defined them. Let go, so that they can be one with Source and ready for the next step on their spiritual evolution.

P/S: Interestingly enough, the actor chosen to play Achilles was Brad Pitt. He was born on December 18, 1963 at 6:31 a.m in Shawnee, Oklahoma, U.S.A. His natal Chiron is in Pisces in the 3rd house. He had struggled with drug abuse and alcoholism for many years. His marriage with Angelina Jolie took an ugly turn around his Chiron return and ended in divorce when Chiron entered Aries. As of 2023, he seems to solely focus on philanthropy and art.