Mars in Sagittarius

Mars in Sagittarius is the living proof of the law of attraction: when you feel energized, motivated and optimistic, the universe will conspire to make things happen for you


Thuy Tien

4/21/20233 min read

You're everything, Mars in Sagittarius

I was about to write an entry on Pluto in Aquarius, but felt the collective energy had been electric and tense, and we are so much in need of lightening the mood. So, here I am, chattering about Mars in Sagittarius.

Have you ever met someone with Mars in Sagittarius? They’re usually quite popular, because who doesn’t love an optimistic, clever yet honest mind who is also well-traveled, well-learnt and a little larger-than-life? They exude self-confidence in the most natural way, their eyes bright with humor, mouths created to smile, and lungs designed for infectious loud laughs. They have a way to make people at ease and laugh with them, even the triple Scorpio ones (Sun-Moon-Mars) cannot resist their childlike wittiness (although they may roll their eyes to be politically correct). Remember Agent Jay - Will Smith’s character in Men in Black? Well, that’s how a typical Mars in Sagittarius looks and behaves!

Since I am aiming at making you feel better today, let’s listen to a love song probably written to channel the Mars in Sagittarius archetype. Oh, Michael Bublé and his charming adorability!

Supposedly, the man in the song would be our Mars in Sagittarius character. As patient as a Fire sign can be, he can’t waste one hot minute to flood his lover with words. His declaration of love is indeed nothing short of discretion:

You're a falling star, you're the get away car

You're the line in the sand when I go too far

You're the swimming pool, on an August day

And you're the perfect thing to say

What can help you win a lover’s heart more than sweet words? More sweet words of course!

You're a carousel, you're a wishing well

And you light me up, when you ring my bell

You're a mystery, you're from outer space

You're every minute of my everyday

His lover, probably very inconveniently endowed with a Capricorn Moon or worse, a Scorpio Moon, must raise their lips into a smirk and reply: «You’re exaggerating a bit, aren’t you?». Considering logistics and other daily practical needs, nobody can be his everything, matter-of-fact-ly. As a consequence, our Mars in Sagittarius man feels the urge to show his hidden qualities of a natural born philosopher:

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times

It's you, it's you, you make me sing

It must feel wonderful to be able to love someone that much, even the sight of them, the sound of their voice and the feel of their skin make one’s heart skip a beat. Remember our first love, when love was purely adoration and affective attraction, when the whole world was found in one and only person? That’s it!

Mars in Sagittarius is so happy-go-lucky, jovial, maybe a little bit less larger than life than his cousin Mars in Leo, but he sure knows how to make his lovers feel special with all the sweet words and his willingness to share everything and go explore the world with them (though globetrotting can be potentially precarious for new loves!). No one, even the world, can stop this man from confessing his overflowing love:

You're every line, you're every word, you're everything

You're every song, and I sing along

'Cause you're my everything

Mars in Sagittarius is the living proof of the law of attraction: when you feel energized, motivated and optimistic, the universe will conspire to make things happen for you. This placement is also a reminder of the importance of kind words: it is great that we feel positively in love, but it will be wonderful if we can speak it out loud and make our special ones feel really special. Because, who says one needs a reason to be exuberant?