Mars in Scorpio

When Mars in Scorpio is aware of their shadow self and makes considerable efforts to accept and learn from it, they will be able to embrace the noblest qualities of both Mars and Pluto: a brave pioneer, a daring strategist and revolutionist, a capable, strong leader during the most turbulent times. Mars in Scorpio is that powerful, because it has the potential of reunite the brain and the heart along with the fearlessness of facing its own darkness, oftentimes manifested in a tumultuous emotional world and human connections through intimacy and sexuality.


Thuy Tien

10/29/20234 min read

At the time I was writing this post, the Sun was in the early degrees of Scorpio, Venus and Mars were in an exact conjunction at Scorpio 11. The Scorpio vibes were palpable, and the spooky remmants of the blood moon lunar eclipse left an atmosphere of unease and emotional turmoils for those who are not familiar with the Scorpio energy.

Your may want to read my previous post about Venus in Scorpio, and to complete the scene, I thought another post on Mars in Scorpio might be timely as we are invited to understand and navigate its deep waters until November 24, 2023.

There’s this song embracing the Mars in Scorpio archetype so well that we can even make it an anthem for Mars in Scorpio people if needed.

As Nickelback’s lead singer and guitarist, Chad Kroeger said about the song he wrote, it’s «just nostalgia, growing up in a small town, and you can't go back to your childhood. Saying goodbye to friends that you've drifted away from, where you grew up, where you went to school, who you hung out with and the dumb stuff you used to do as a kid, the first love — all of those things».

The song starts on a light note, when he recalls distant memories of his adolescence and your adulthood:

Look at this photograph

Every time I do, it makes me laugh

In a matter-of-fact-ly fashion, he admits it was not all about innocent, loving memories:

And this is where I went to school

Most of the time had better things to do

Criminal record says I broke in twice

I must have done it half a dozen times

So the young man had a rather troubling past, who hated school and dropped out. It appears that he didn’t have a solid support system helping him through the crazy teenage phase in order to grow up «just like the others». There are also hints of regrets, of multiple «what ifs» that have been played in repeat in his head. However, he seems to make peace with the past and is at ease with his life now. There is no use in dwelling in the past.

I wonder if it's too late

Should I go back and try to graduate?

Life's better now than it was back then

If I was them, I wouldn't let me in

Along with trouble making, he recalls the beginning of his journey of sexual self-discovery initiated by the naivety and the awkwardness of first love.

Kim's the first girl I kissed

I was so nervous that I nearly missed

She's had a couple of kids since then

I haven't seen her since God knows when

Beautiful or ugly, unforgettable or regrettable, the past is still there as it has always been. It was the reason why he has become the person he is now, the reason of his many twists and turns, and even he is content with his current life, there is still a lingering feeling of nostalgia of a bygone time when life was hard but so many memories, so many people were there to help him grow.

I miss that town, I miss the faces

You can't erase, you can't replace it

I miss it now, I can't believe it

So hard to stay, too hard to leave it

If I could relive those days

But he is strong, and so the good, the bad and the ugly of his past will always have a special place in his heart. He know it’s time to part ways with his younger self and embrace his emerging future self ready for new adventures. And when he feels weak or emotional, he can always tune into his heart and find solace in those moment, those people who were there on his early self-discovery path.

I know the one thing that would never change

Every memory of looking out the back door

I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor

It's hard to say it, time to say it

Goodbye, goodbye

Mars in his home sign of Scorpio is a self-conflictual configuration. The red planet Mars, fiery and fierce as it can be, finds itself sharing the deep, dark water energy of Scorpio with Pluto, the cold, calculating, ruthless one, the higher octave of Mars. At the lowest level, Mars in Scorpio can manifest itself in passive-aggressive behaviours with tendency to violence, manipulation and self-hatred. However, when one is aware of their shadow self and makes considerable efforts to accept and learn from it, they will be able to embrace the noblest qualities of both Mars and Pluto: a brave pioneer, a daring strategist and revolutionist, a capable, strong leader during the most turbulent times.

Mars in Scorpio is that powerful, because it has the potential of reunite the brain and the heart along with the fearlessness of facing its own darkness, oftentimes manifested in a tumultuous emotional world and human connections through intimacy and sexuality.

Whether you have Scorpio placements in your natal chart or not, the Scorpio energy in general and the Mars in Scorpio energy in particular is something to be aware of until late November this year. You may want to look into noticeable life events and life lessons and see if there are any repeating patterns calling for your attention. Mars in Scorpio forgives but doesn’t forget, though it can take it awhile to forgive. You may feel the need to be more cold-hearted and brain-centred in order to not take any important decisions solely based on intuition and feelings. You may want to forgive some people and even yourself, and only take with your nurturing, loving memories on the next steps.

P/S: Chad Kroeger was born on November 15, 1974 in Vancouver, Canada. He has Mars in Scorpio and Venus cazimi also in Scorpio. A while ago, I came across an interview in which he shared his song writing process by listening to an endless list of popular rock songs and studied the musical patterns that made them catchy and addictive. As he said later in another interview: “There is a mathematical formula to why you got famous. It isn’t some magical thing that just started happening. And it’s going to move exponentially throughout your career as you grow, or can decline exponentially if you start to fail as an artist.”