Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto, the planet of the Plutocracy, meets Aquarius, the sign of the rebellious forces fighting for the people, it just sounds very, very, truly very uncomfortable.


Thuy Tien

5/9/20234 min read

Pluto in Aquarius - Wake up, Neo, Wake up

This movie has been in the back of my mind for a while, since Pluto entered Aquarius on March 23.

A masterpiece. A classic. A must-see of generation X and Y. It is rare to find someone from 20 to 40 who hasn’t watched it. People are either very into it, or not into it at all. And from time to time you may cross someone who openly admits they haven’t watched it, but because they’re not into cinema.

The story evolves around Thomas Anderson (aka Neo), a computer programmer working for a Forbes 500 tech company, where he was recognized not only for his talent but also for his lack of conformity. After a myriad of unusual experiences, he met Morpheus and his group of rebels, who were considered terrorists by the authority. Having chosen to be enlightened, he woke up in the real world, learned the truth of his existence in particular and humanity in general, and the underground revolution that was foretold to reach its final stage. His awakening from the matrix was harsh, as for those considered «too old to be unplugged». Neo was probably well past the age deem appropriate to be unplugged, but Morpheus was determined to rescue him. It took some twists and turns and even Neo’s physical death for him to awaken to his true self: he was the One, the one and only who would incarnate to free humanity from the matrix.

Although produced and commercialized as a sci-fi action movie, The Matrix has many layers to it and can be watched for both entertainment and educational purposes. The Buddha’s Middle Path, Stoicism and laws of quantum physics are clearly sources of inspiration for The Wachowskis to write the plot and produce the movie:

  • The world can be (1) real, (2) unreal, (3) both real and unreal, (4) neither real nor unreal

  • Wisdom, Justice, Courage and Moderation are the 4 virtues of Stoicism

  • «There is no spoon»: you are one with everything and everything is interconnected at once.

This movie carries with it the Pluto in Aquarius energy, well before Pluto enters Aquarius. But it doesn’t matter, because time is a man-made concept and linear time doesn’t really exist!

Pluto in Aquarius’ archetype is the rebel, the eccentric, the fierce fighter for the underdogs. For some context, the last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1778 to 1798, humanity was challenged with many historical events on a large scale: the American revolution, the French revolution, the industrial revolution, political and religious reforms happening around the world. Pluto entered Aquarius in March this year and will move back and forth from Aquarius to Capricorn until it finally settles in Aquarius in November 2024 until March 2043. Pluto is the Roman name for Hades, Lord of the Underworld, King of the riches. Do you know the English language even has a term to describe crazy rich people? They are called the Plutocrats, and Plutocracy is the term for the super-elite class who controls the politics and the economics.

Personally, I think that no astrological sign sincerely wants to be attached to Pluto, save for Scorpio, since Pluto and Mars are its ruling planets, and even though it must still be uncomfortable because Pluto demands for massive transformation and total integrity, and this takes a lot of work and courage. Pluto, the planet of the Plutocracy, meets Aquarius, the sign of the rebellious forces fighting for the people, it just sounds very, very, truly very uncomfortable. During this period of time, we are advised to expect the unexpected, and be prepared for a highly unstable period of time where our self-identity, personal belief system and collective mindset are questioned, so that a new self-identity can be born and a social, economical and spiritual reset can take place.

In the movie The Matrix, the unplugging from the system can be a metaphor for the spiritual awakening. Oftentimes it’s an excruciating process when one must shred their old skin, unlearn all they have learned and be totally flexible and accepting of the unknown. This is a big deal, especially when one has already reached a certain age and has a clear sense of self, hence a strong, well-defined ego. During the awakening process, one can regret their old life and the joy of being blissfully ignorant. One can be torn between staying in the past, clutching all they can grasp in their slippery fingers, being attached to the old system and what the Plutocracy has programmed them to believe; and releasing all they have learned and known, embracing the unknown with faith while holding the vision of a future where everyone is heard, loved and taken care of, and everything inauthentic, inorganic must be discarded.

Everyone has been talking about the disclosure for a while. Personally, I think apart from those who have already been awaken, the millennials and generational Y would have the least difficulties accepting the truth. It may be too late for the boomers though. Interestingly enough, on July 17, 2023, the nodal axis will change from Taurus - Scorpio to Aries - Libra, activating Pluto in Libra and influencing the lives of the whole Pluto in Libra generation born between 1971 and 1983. It will be fascinating to see how things will unfold and how people in their 40s - 50s, those who are more inclined to be conformists, will react when it happens. You may want to read my other posts about Pluto in Libra.

Fun fact: The writers and directors of The Matrix trilogy - The Wachowskis, were previously known as Larry and Andy, now considered themselves women named Lana and Lily respectively. Lana started her transition first, around the time of Matrix Revolution’s release in 2003, and came out as a trans woman in 2012. She said in one event:

There are some things we do for ourselves, but there are some things we do for others. I am here because when I was young, I wanted very badly to be a writer, I wanted to be a filmmaker, but I couldn't find anyone like me in the world and it felt like my dreams were foreclosed simply because my gender was less typical than others. If I can be that person for someone else, then the sacrifice of my private civic life may have value.

Isn’t that Pluto in Aquarius?