The Lion’s Gate is the portal to Regulus, where one can get initiated and embrace their Regulus aspect of self, so that they can be ready to anchor this heavenly aspect when the time is right (the Sun-Regulus conjunction and opposition seem to be the most potent time for this). We are invited to study our connection to Regulus and contemplate on areas of our lives Regulus makes his presence felt the most. We may even want to be utterly honest and ask ourselves some questions: What is the cause we want to fiercely fight for? Is that cause for the best and highest good of all? What can we change in ourselves to be in alignment with the Divine Warrior archetype?

The month of August 2023 is charged with Leo’s energy. We have Sun in Leo until August 23, Venus in retrograde and Black Moon Lilith in Leo the whole month and the Lion’s Gate on August 8, whose energy can be felt now already. I wanted to wait until the Sun-Regulus conjunction at the end of this month to post this entry, but this Sun-Ascendant-Mercury-Mars in Sagittarius woman can only be so patient, and here we are talking about Regulus a little earlier than scheduled!
Regulus, located 79.3 light years from Earth, is the brightest star in the constellation of Leo. As of 2023, Regulus is at 0°09 of Virgo, its energy can be felt the strongest around the time of its conjunction and opposition with the Sun. It has been associated with royalty and nobility of character since the dawn of time. In ancient Egypt, Regulus was connected to Sekhmet, the Lioness Goddess, the goddess of war, energy healing and transformative power. She was the protector of royalty and sometimes referred to as the mother of the king.
Regulus is a diminutive of the earlier Rex, from the belief that it ruled the affairs of the heavens,-a belief current till three centuries ago, from at least 3000 years before our era. It was the leader of the Four Royal Stars of the ancient Persian monarchy, the Four Guardians of Heaven. Early English astrologers made it a portent of glory, riches, and power to all born under its influence; William Salysbury, of 1552, writing, but perhaps from Proclus:
The Lyon’s here is called of some men, the Royall Starre, for they that are borne under it, are thought to have a royal nativitie.
(Richard Hinckley Allen - Star names - Their Lore and Meaning, Dover Publications Inc., 2000, p.255)
People with strong Regulus aspects in their galactic chart (that is, their personal planets or point in conjunction or opposition with Regulus) oftentimes embrace Regulus’ archetype in a tangible way. They can be physically attractive, or can possess unusual charisma exuded from their intelligence and respectable mindset. They can be the most beautiful people around you. They can be the most honest, truthful individuals you have ever known. There is something very regal about them (I believe there is no coincidence that the word «regal» comes from the Latin word regalis - the adjective of rex, meaning king). In modern history, the concept of royalty and monarchy seems to be out-of-date. Personally I wholeheartedly believe we should be considered equal regardless our culture and ancestry. However, there is a silent power exuding from people with strong Regulus influence in their birth charts that gives them an air of superiority. People can unconsciously treat them like royalties because they can feel it at an energetic level.
There is an old movie that represents the Regulus’ energy at its best and its worst.
If you were born in the 80s or in the early 90s, chances are you watched The mummy trilogy as a kid (or a young adult). They are truly modern classics! The movies are for entertainment purpose, so if you are into anything ancient Egyptian like me, please set aside your knowledge and watch it as if you knew nothing about their world and history.
While the first movie in the trilogy is a thriller-action-comedy movie, the second one, which we will talk about today, is full of action and historical materials. I will spare you the spoils and go straight ahead to why it gives Regulus’ vibes so much.
The 4 protagonists - Evelyn, Rick, Anck-Su-Namun and Imhotep are all royalties or related to the royal family. Evelyn, the incarnation of Nefertiri the beautiful royal princess, the beloved daughter of the king who granted her the title of the protector of the bracelet of Anubis. Rick, the incarnation of the royal guardian - medjai in another lifetime and Evelyn’s loving, protective husband in this lifetime. Anck-Su-Namun, the king’s favorite concubine who chose love over power. Imhotep, the powerful high priest whose forbidden love led him to do dishonourable things. They are distinguished, beautiful people with very noble mind of their own, since there is no thing such as good or bad, only different perspectives, and history is written by the victor anyway. Each of them has a story to tell and we can really feel Regulus’ symbols and energy in every one of them.
Evelyn, in her previous incarnation, was a strong warrior princess blessed with beauty, courage and a sharp mind. Rick, though not depicted as an individual, had the title of a medjai who sworn his loyalty to protect the king at all cost. Anck-Su-Namun, probably a commoner made royal through her relationship with the old, powerful king, was also a strong warrior braving the wrath of the king and risking all in her possession including her life to protect the man she loved (I found it interesting that in The Mummy’s opening scene, she was standing next to the statue of Bastet, and Bastet the Cat Goddess is another aspect of Sekhmet - the gentle, docile one who protects pregnancy and childbirth). Imhotep, the stoic, influential high priest who found himself in a dangerous liaison and risking all that he had been working so hard to achieve for to be able to live with the woman he desired.
It is heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time, depends on which side you take. This takes us back to Regulus and his multi-faceted manifestations. At his best, he can be a fierce, courageous and loyal warrior ready to risk his life to protect the weak and overcome all obstacles to achieve his noble cause. At his worst, he can be a ruthless, self-righteous fighter who has little to no moral compass, ready to break the most sacred rules to get what he wants.
Whether you have strong connections with Regulus or not, the Lion’s Gate is the portal to Regulus, where one can get initiated and embrace their Regulus aspect of self, so that they can be ready to anchor this heavenly aspect when the time is right (the Sun-Regulus conjunction and opposition seem to be the most potent time for this). We are invited to feel and understand our connection to Regulus, and contemplate on areas of our lives where Regulus makes his presence felt the most. We may even want to be utterly honest and ask ourselves some questions: What is the cause we want to fiercely fight for? Is that cause for the best and highest good of all? What can we change in ourselves to be in alignment with the Divine Warrior archetype?
P/S: Interestingly enough, both actresses have strong Regulus connections. Rachel Weisz has her natal Mercury in opposition with Regulus, and Patricia Velásquez’s South node is conjunct Regulus. Perhaps that’s why Rachel was so brilliant in the role of an adventurous and nerdy heiress and Patricia portrayed successfully the strong-willed female warrior blindly guided by love.