Sirius - Dogstar
The heliacal rising of Sirius also marks the mid-summer, when we are offered the opportunity to look back and see what we have achieved, and what else we can do for the next few months before nature enters its phase of rest and hibernation. Interestingly enough, Sirius’ heliacal rising as in Cairo this year will be on August 8 at 4:56 a.m local time. What a time to celebrate the Lion Gate!

Sirius’ heliacal rising (when it first becomes visible above the horizon before sunrise) will be here in a heartbeat, and I thought it would be timely to chat about the Dog Star. The star of the Canis Major - the Greater Dog is on of the closest constellations to Earth - only 8.6 light years from our green planet, and if you pay attention to the night sky it would be on the left of the Orion belt. Its heliacal rising is calculated based on the latitude and the altitude of your current location, from mid-July in the Southern hemisphere to the end of August in the Northern hemisphere. The heliacal rising of Sirius also marks the mid-summer, when we are offered the opportunity to look back and see what we have achieved, and what else we can do for the next few months before nature enters its phase of rest and hibernation. Interestingly enough, Sirius’ heliacal rising as in Cairo this year will be on August 8 at 4:56 a.m local time. What a time to celebrate the Lion Gate!
Sirius is a binary star, so technically we should say Sirius A or Sirius B when speaking of them. However, due to its significantly smaller size, Sirius B can impossibly be seen with naked eyes. For the sake of my own comfort and your time, this post will be about Sirius A widely known as the Dog Star.
Sirius has many names, and has always been very well known to both scholars and commoners. It owes its name to the Greek name of Lord Wsjr - Ὄσιρις / Ósiris. In ancient Egypt, the heliacal rising of the Dog Star means the celebration of the New Year wen rennet/wp-rnpt, coinciding with the hottest season of the year and the annual flooding of the Nile from the monsoon downfalls of Upper Egypt (modern Ethiopia). The sudden floods brought the rich black silt to the river banks, which warranted the bountifulness of the crops and the livelihoods of farmers, fishermen and the abundance of ancient Egypt.
(The heliacal rising of Sirius is tightly linked to the cult of Osiris and Isis, and the Dog Star itself symbolized Isis in the heavens. Traditionally, its heliacal rising of Sirius was celebrated as the New Year celebration. For generations of kings in ancient Egypt, the festivities were held at the very place Osiris’ mummy was believed to be inhumed, around the Osireion in the Great Temple of Abydos. Fertility rituels would be organized, with the participation of a Temple priestess chosen for the role of Isis, and the King himself as the personification of Lord Osiris.
In the early 2000, thanks to alternative archeologists among those one of the most cherished, Robert Bauval, found that the narrow shaft in the Queen chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza was connected to Sirius: during the religious ritual after the mummification of the king, his soul was believed to be reborn as «Horus who is in Sirius-Isis» by passing through the shaft to join Sirius in the Heavens).
There are 3 kinds of Sirians that are known to us:
Blue Sirians: tall light beings with very smooth, hairless blue skin and almond-shaped eyes. They can choose to be physical or non-physical at will. There have been reports about the blue beings from Sirius from people having DMT trips (using ayahuasca, or participating in shamanic rituals). They work with the Earth’s ley lines and can be considered as galactic light grid workers.
Human Sirians: a little taller than an average human, they are the embodiment of physical perfection, with medium-to-dark complexions and various eye colors showing the nature of their individual souls. It was believed that Isis and Osiris came from Sirius, hence its connection to their cult. They have attained the utmost equilibrium of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, and have been working alongside people wishing to achieve this state of being.
Titan Sirians (from Craig Campobasso’s The Extraterrestrial Speacies Almanac, since I have no recollection of knowing one myself): as their name may well suggest, they are giants with elongated skulls, almond-shaped eyes and long, thin appendages with boney joints, just as the depiction of Akh-en-Aton on his temple’s murals. They are highly technologically advanced beings capable of shapeshifting at will and radiating pure love.
My favorite group Hybrid had a song about Sirius long time ago. This song truly embraces the spirit of Sirian starseeds:
With all my love I overflow the river Nile
Rolling on for thousands of miles
We can celebrate your heliacal rising
Ooh we can activate your crises too
But it'll be fun
I inherited the spirit of the sun
I'll meet you when the day breaks through
It's time to shine
And make all your dreams come true
Come on... wish upon a dog star
There is a long-held belief that a wish upon Sirius during it heliacal rising will be granted fully.
Sirian starseeds are master manifestors. In some way, they are quite similar to the Great Attractor starseeds. However, there is an essential difference between the two. While the Great Attractor starseeds are known for their happy-go-lucky and adventurous spirit, Sirian starseeds are known for their strong will and hope for ultimate equilibrium.
P/S: Are you a Sirian starseed? In case you are not sure, you may be interested in getting a reading to find out!