Venus in Capricorn

Venus in Capricorn, or in the 10th house tends to be very rational, very practicals in love. For them, there are things that are more worthy of their time and energy than courtship, jealousy and drama (ain’t no time for it!). They treat their love interests like business partners.


Thuy Tien

8/16/20233 min read

a sculpture of a person with a wire wrapped around it
a sculpture of a person with a wire wrapped around it

I came across this song a while ago, while looking for some fan made videos of my favorite manga, in which the female lead tries so hard to not fall in love with the male lead, who is a beautiful man endowed with great physical strength and high intelligence. You got it, the perfect man that doesn’t exist in real life. Oh, they may well exist but are not for an ordinary, plain Jane’s caliber.

Not that I’m an ordinary, plain Jane though.

Sorry I digress.

So I came across this song. I’m not a Swiftie, but sometimes still find myself listen to some of her songs if they have a catchy tone and meaningful lyrics. And it was the case of Gold rush.

In case you may not be familiar with the term, gold rush depicts a period in the 19th in the America when new settlers went in remote, inhabited areas they believed gold and precious metals and gem stones could be found. Thousands and thousands of people would come in a rush, working day and night and gradually kill themselves with the abuse of alcohol and the weathering of the physical body. Every once in a while, someone would find pieces of gold, but most the time they could only find gold dust. And so seldom people could get out of there alive with their precious, hard-to-find treasure. Such a pitiful fate for people blindly going after what they desire.

Back to our song.

The song starts with Taylor singing about a crush that almost turned to a love. It was innocent and lovely, nothing serious, but significant enough for her to write a song about it. He is a beautiful boy, with twinkling eyes that show thousands of emotions, like the deep ocean calling her in for a swim in a hot summer day. Tempting, but she resists! And then she tells us why she can’t give in:

Everybody wants you
Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you
Walk past, quick brush
I don't like slow motion double vision in rose blush
I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush
Everybody wants you
But I don't like a gold rush

It must be quite annoying, feigning ignorance while in fact she is attracted to him, or rather, to his beauty. She might have grown up not knowing the impact of her beauty on the others, since she is at awe at how he must feel being in the spotlight for his beauty alone:

What must it be like
To grow up that beautiful?
With your hair falling into place like dominos

She realizes that this beautiful boy, though certainly alluring, is also flawed. She figured he was too dreamy, too ungrounded and immature, and probably lack of self-confidence as if he didn’t know what could be precious in him save for his beauty. And within a heart beat, she sorted her feelings out and decided that was it, there could never be a chance for them to be happy together.

At dinner parties
I call you out on your contrarian shit
And the coastal town
We wandered 'round had never
Seen a love as pure as it
And then it fades into the gray of my day old tea
'Cause you know it could never be

Venus in Capricorn, or in the 10th house tends to be very rational, very practical in love. For them, there are things that are more worthy of their time and energy than courtship, jealousy and drama (ain’t no time for it!). They treat their love interests like business partners. We all have that one friend whose photo on dating apps is taken in their office, in business attire! They can be that kind of people wearing suits straight to their romantic dinners after a long day at work, and offer to pay to apologize for being late. They can be very on guard even after a long period of time, and their partners may think it is near to impossible to figure out their true feelings. They do not date casually, and when they date, it would be for a long-term relationship. They can be calculating in matters of the heart, possibly because they are scared of emotional vulnerability and will do anything in their power to have a sense of control and to protect themselves from heartbroken.

Now things can become tricky. If they meet someone capable of love and love them enough to make them feel emotionally secure, they can change for the better. However, if their love interests happen to be reciprocal in their tactics (God bless the hearts of a Capricorn Moon or Capricorn Mars), it can turn into a mess, because no matter what the Venus person does, their partner may never feel the flame and love time dearly.

Why calculating in matters of the heart? It is not a business endeavor, what about stop treating it like one!