August 26, 2024

Once a year, when the Sun moves to the late degrees of Leo, around the 25ish of August, it finds itself conjunct the royal star Regulus and opposite of the royal star Fomalhaut. The flux of energy from this opposition helps it to see through all family dynamics and repeating patterns of our generational trauma that otherwise we may find it hard to recognize and heal. Interestingly enough, this opposition usually happens in July, the 7th month in the lunar calendar, which is considered the month of spirits and ancestors in many cultures.


Thuy Tien

8/26/20242 min read

Once a year, when the Sun moves to the late degrees of Leo, around the 25ish of August, it finds itself conjunct the royal star Regulus and opposite of the royal star Fomalhaut. The flux of energy from this opposition helps it to see through all family dynamics and repeating patterns of our generational trauma that otherwise we may find it hard to recognize and heal. Interestingly enough, this opposition usually happens in July, the 7th month in the lunar calendar, which is considered the month of spirits and ancestors in many cultures. For exemple, in countries where Taoist Buddhism is popular, the full moon of the month - the peak of it, is the Ghost festival where people give offerings to their ancestors and the hungry ghost (Earth-bound spirits whose names have been forgotten). It’s not very different from the Mexican Day of the Dearth - Día de los Muertos.

I just wanted to share my old post about Fomalhaut as I thought it would appeal to people who are sensitive to energies. Then when I look at the clock the moment I wanted to post it, it was 09:09 a.m and so decided to draw a chart for today.

Neptune in the last degree of Pisces opposite Venus forming a minor grand trine with Uranus nearly exactly conjunct the fixed star Algol, and Pluto at 0° of Aquarius. What does this mean? It means on a personal level we can feel a strong urge to be in seclusion and evade from reality, and it is quite a potent time to do so. The reality around us can appear too harsh to be true, with abrupt changes happening on so many level and people running amok not knowing what to do with all the uncertainties. Contradictorily, Venus in the last degree of Virgo calls for our attention to our physical health and other practical things we need to take care for. Venus in Virgo doesn’t like to be social, she just wants to be pragmatic and efficient: «Let’s cut to the chase and get things done because I have other things to do». This can be a little tricky to navigate, as most people just come back to work after the much needed summer holiday and it’s time to bond with their colleagues and business partners. On a larger scale, people can feel somewhat discontent, dissatisfied with the top-down structure and vehemently, though quietly look for some other alternatives. With Algo conjunct Uranus trine Pluto, we can also expect to the the sudden passing of a leader public figure this week which can lead to some positive development in the long run.

The Sun is still opposite Fomalhaut until the 29 of August, so if you feel called to look at your own family trauma and repeating life patterns, please set the intention to heal. Guidance from the higher realms come timely and effortlessly these days.