Sirius – Dogstar

Sirius - I3a12C1 - DevianArt

The heliacal rising of Sirius also marks the mid-summer, when we are offered the opportunity to look back and see what we have achieved, and what else we can do for the next few months before nature enters its phase of rest and hibernation. Interestingly enough, Sirius’ heliacal rising as in Cairo this year will be on August 8 at 4:56 a.m local time. What a time to celebrate the Lion Gate! 

Antares – V for Vendetta

While meditating on the nature of Antares and its influences on our little planet, the movie V for Vendetta came to my mind. You may have watched it long ago, and if it isn’t the case, please put it on your list, it will make a great watch to feel the current collective energy.