Random thoughts – Dec 16, 2023

Moon - Saturn - Fomalhaut on the night sky - Dec 16, 2023 - Stellarium

So yesterday, while sky gazing through the car window and admiring the beauty of the crescent Moon and the stars, a nearly perfect triangle of Moon – Saturn – Fomalhaut caught my eyes almost instantly. As of December 16, 2023, the Moon was at 14°25 of Aquarius, Saturn was at 2°02 of Pisces conjunct Fomalhaut at 4°10 of Pisces. I found it interesting that the 3 planets representing ancestral gifts and healing showing themselves just as randomly. 

New Moon in Sagittarius – 121223

The New Moon in Sagittarius this year doesn’t feel Sagittarius, or at least to me it doesn’t. With Sun, Moon, Mars in Sagittarius and a lot of Sag-aspects with fixed stars involved, you may roll your eyes and ask me “How so?”. You may, but please bear with me.