Happy Spring Equinox!

Spring Equinox 2022

The Spring Equinox is one the the two days in the year (the other one is the Autumn Equinox in September) where daytime and nighttime are nearly equal, with the daytime slightly longer for about 7 minutes. The Spring Equinox has a special meaning in many ancient cultures, to the point of being the inspiration of so many myths. It marks the return to the light from the darkness, it represents the rebirth after long dark winter months of rest and hibernation.

What’s the weather today where you live?

We have very nice weather today where I live, with warm sunshines, clear blue sky and no more freezing cold breeze.

First of all, happy Equinox! For us astrologers, the Spring Equinox is our true new year when the flow of life grows strong again! The Sun enters the sign of Aries, another cycle begins, and so do our hopes and dreams.

There’s something very special about the Spring Equinox this year. We have a stellium in Aries with the Sun (obviously at 0° of Aries), the North node at 16° of Aries and Chiron in exact conjunction with Mercury at 18° of Aries, which makes it feels like a burst of life. However, with Neptune at the anaretic degree of Pisces and Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces, there’s also some homework to do before charging forward.

We are called to be super intentional and responsible in our relationships with ourselves and others. We may even need to be selfless, to be the bigger person so that we can see the bigger picture. Neptune at the last degree of Pisces reminds us how we have been naive, and probably delusional, believing in mirages more than facts and figures. At the same time, the exact conjunction of Chiron and Mercury in Aries requires us to be analytical, calm, cool, collected to check our wound, acknowledge and understand it without any emotional attachment.

The Aries North node is a reminder to the collective to be real, drawn unapologetically truthful and brutally honest even when it hurts. In what areas in our life have we been too self-righteousness and self-indulgent? How can we fix ourselves through fixing our relationships with others? Have we been too blind to the reality? And what is true, what is not true? Too many questions with too few answers.

We may feel like one foot on gas, one foot on brake right now. We want to charge forward but we’re too heavy with too much emotional bagage to move one. The key is surrender.

So, on this Spring Equinox, unsual and unlike any other years, I didn’t set the intention for the new year. To the trash bin my goals and determination. And like that, I sat down and prayed.

“Let me be guided by the higher forces. I surrender to the higher truth so that I can be healed and whole again. Let me be shown the path ahead. I have complete trust that what is best for me will be shown to me in time”. 


  1. “The key is surrender”.
    It’s funny I just had a flash thought about Dory the fish in “Finding Nemo” and found her motto “keep swimming” so obsolete in this Aquarian age! I’d rather be the jelly fish. “Keep flowing” with the ocean waves and enjoy the ride.
    Happy Equinox to all!

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