Fomalhaut – Coco

On this day of Thanksgiving, when people get together in family and enjoy quality time and good food while being grateful for all the blessings they have got, I would like to make a tribute to the royal star Fomalhaut and an animated movie carrying its energy so beautifully – Coco. 

I think Fomalhaut’s energy and themes will be quite powerful until early 2026, as Saturn is currently in Pisces. It entered Pisces on March 7, 2023 and will stay there until May 24, 2025, and after a period of retrograde will pass through the sign of Pisces on February 13, 2026. Since the beginning of this year, Saturn has been giving us the taste of Pisces before delivering the final tests worthy of his reputation. It will be in exact conjunction with the fixed star Fomalhaut on January 11, 2024, so we have roughly 2 months ahead of us to prepare for some significant Saturn in Pisces lessons that can be successfully completed if we call in great wisdom from Fomalhaut. 

Moon in Scorpio – Persuasion

Moon in Scorpio is a self-conflictual aspect. The Moon is caring, vulnerable and emotional. Scorpio, whose ruling planets are Mars and Pluto, is level-headed and calculating, save for love. Moon in Scorpio’s love language is exclusivity shown through care and intimacy. They can be quite extravagant and intense in love, scaring away people who are not ready to test the dark, deep water of Scorpio. They tend to have strong opinions about everything, and consequently, they love determined, strong people who can offer strong emotional support when in need.